Saturday 13 April sees the start of Tulip Route Flevoland again. This tenth edition features three beautiful car routes through our province. During the route you will explore Flevoland and be surprised by the colorful sea of flowers and activities at local entrepreneurs. You can drive a car route with the Tulip Route Flevoland app. During the ride, the app will show you the way. The audio tour also tells you fun facts about the tulips and the surrounding area.
Where can I buy a ticket and how does it work?
Our ticket shop will open on this website on Tuesday 2 April. A ticket will cost €5.00 again this year. When booking, you choose the route, the day and a start time. You also choose a start location. On the reserved day, you can activate your ticket in the Tulip Route Flevoland App and start your route from the start location.
At the start location, you will receive a participation sticker. You stick this sticker visibly on your dashboard or car window. The sticker gives permission for participants to drive on designated roads.
A paper route map is also available at the starting locations. There is no physical signage on the route. In the app you will find the route map, audio tour and additional information. This year, the app features spoken Dutch or English information.
We use time slots in the app to avoid top crowds at various locations along the routes. This way we can ensure the safety of everyone on and along the routes.
Or get on your bike!
Besides the car routes, there are also four cycling routes around Dronten, Swifterbant, Lelystad and Zeewolde. You do not need to buy a ticket for these bike routes. The routes can be downloaded from this site just before the Tulip Route period.
Enjoy colorful artworks
Due to the tenth anniversary of Tulip Route Flevoland, a fourth route will be organised in the centre of Dronten this year: the Tulip Art Route. Local artists will display their colourful works of art in the shop windows of local entrepreneurs.
More information about the route and rules in the outlying area can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page.+