Frequently Asked Questions
On this page you will find all the information you need about the Tulip Route Flevoland. Is the answer to your question not here? Fill the contact form and we will try to answer your question within a week.
Along the routes are businesses that are extra open during the Tulip Route. You can do something fun there, see something or buy something.
A tulip flag on the road indicates whether a business is open. When the flag flies, you are welcome.
Please note that the opening hours of these businesses may be different from the Tulip Route times. You can find all the info about the companies and their activities on the Activities page.
The Tulip Art Route (Tulpenkunstroute in Dutch) is a unique collaboration between artists and retailers in City Center SuyderSee in Dronten. From April 13 to May 5, 2024, you can admire beautiful works of art in more than 30 shop windows, all dedicated to the tulip. All artworks were created by regional artists, making the route extra special.
During the Tulip Art Route, you can use an audio tour for free. With this tour on your own smartphone, you can learn more about the artworks and their creators. The audio tour is a fun and educational way to experience the route. You will read more about the audio tour soon on this site.
The Tulip Art Route is a free event for young and old. Stop by in Dronten and be surprised by the colorful and creative works of art!
Update: The hiking trail has now closed.
This year, a walking route was set up near Swifterbant. You can find the route just before the start of the Tulip Route Flevoland on this website at the Route Maps. The walking route is only accessible when the Kalverschuur (Visvijverweg 32) is open.
No, activity providers along the route have varying hours of operation. Some, for example, are open only on weekends.
Always: is there a Tulip flag flying? Then you are most welcome.
Bicycle routes
Bike rentals are not available at starting locations of the bike routes. The Lelystad and Dronten train stations do have a limited number of OV bikes for rent. This does require a Dutch OV bicycle subscription. These stations are not close to the routes. So keep in mind that this will make your bike ride a lot longer.
This year there are four bicycle routes. You can download the routes from our website on the “Route Maps” page.
The bike trails are free of charge. They are easy to follow by the signs along the way. You don’t have to buy a ticket for the bike routes.
Car routes
Due to the early flowering of the fields, ticket sales have been shortened and car routes will stop earlier. Tickets are on sale through Thursday, April 25, instead of the original end date of May 5. This way we guarantee that there will be plenty of flowering fields to see.
For the most up-to-date information and possible changes, check this website and our social media channels.
No, you buy one ticket per vehicle. So you don’t need to buy a ticket for each person.
To ride an autoroute, order a ticket on this website. The button to order tickets can now be found on the homepage.
After entering your ticket number, you will then find the route, audio tour and additional information in the Tulip Route Flevoland App. We use time slots in the app to avoid top crowds at various locations along the routes. This way we can ensure the safety of everyone on and along the routes.
You reserve a time slot and start at your chosen start location. At your starting location, you will also receive a paper route map (for backup) and a participation sticker. You stick this sticker visibly on your dashboard or window. The sticker gives approval for a participant to drive on destination roads.
You can now start driving the route using the Tulip Route Flevoland App. There is no physical signage on the route.
This year’s routes have the following length:
- Dronten – 91 kilometers
- Lelystad – 81 kilometers
- Zeewolde – 95 kilometers
A ticket for one of the auto routes will cost €5 again this year.
We do not refund money if you decide not to ride the route after you have purchased a ticket.
Are you delayed and therefore unable to start on time? In principle, starting later on the same day is not a problem. Want to ride the route on a different day? To do so, email We will try to reply to your email within three days.
If you booked the wrong route, the app won’t show you the correct map. If this happened by accident, please email We will try to reply to your email within three days.
- Download the latest version of the Tulpenroute Flevoland App.
- Disable automatic screen lock.
- Start the route only at the starting location.
- Test your sound settings.
- Before leaving, stick the tulip vignette on your car window.
- Stay on the route.
- Entering the tulip fields is prohibited.
- Participation at your own risk, pay close attention to other road users.
Tickets for the car routes are now on sale on this website. You can find the button to our ticket shop on the homepage.
The Tulip Route Flevoland has three car routes in East and South Flevoland that you can drive with the Tulip Route Flevoland App. You must reserve these in advance. You buy a ticket through this website. The button to the ticket shop can be found on the homepage.
The routes are round trips: you start and end at the same location. How long the routes are is different each year. The routes are between 90 and 100 kilometres long. Every year, there are routes in the municipalities of Dronten, Lelystad and Zeewolde.
When buying a ticket, you choose a start location. Which location you choose does not matter for the route. At both locations of each route, you make the same round.
Autoroute Dronten has two starting locations:
- Shortgolf Swifterbant – Rivierduinweg 9
- De Vier Seizoenen Dronten – Golfresidentie 129
Autoroute Lelystad has two starting locations:
- De Kandelaar Biddinghuizen – Hoekwantweg 11
- Buytenplaets Suydersee Lelystad – Badweg 1
Autoroute Zeewolde has one starting location:
- Fruithal Smits Zeewolde – Sterappellaan 29
On the route you will come across several places where you can eat something and also go to the restroom. Some farmers and businesses let you use their toilet. They show this with a roadside tulip flag. These locations are also indicated on the road map.
In the towns of Dronten, Lelystad and Zeewolde, there are also many nice restaurants where you can eat good food.
You are a guest in our beautiful Flevoland. We hope you enjoy not only the tulips but also the vast landscape. Always respect the property of residents and growers. Never enter the tulip fields, but stay to the side.
The area where the Tulip Route takes place is very vast and the tulip fields are in a rural area. The trails and fields are difficult to reach by public transportation. Getting to the routes by bus or train is not easy. So if you do not live in the area, it is recommended to travel the Tulip Route by car.
Yes, car and bike routes stop earlier. Due to the early flowering of the fields, ticket sales for the auto routes have been curtailed. Tickets are now on sale through Thursday, April 25, instead of the original end date of May 5. This way we guarantee that there will be plenty of flowering fields to see. After that date, the bike routes will also close.
For the most up-to-date information and possible changes, check this website and our social media channels.
The plotted tulip routes can be visited daily between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. starting April 7. The Tulip Route officially runs through May 5, but ends earlier this year. During the period, it is possible to take several car and bike routes and there are several activities at businesses along the routes.
Due to the early flowering of the fields, ticket sales have been curtailed. Tickets are now on sale through April 25 instead of the original end date of May 5. This way we guarantee that there will be plenty of flowering fields to see. The bike routes also close after April 25.
After the end date, most fields are headlined and no longer visible. Then we have to wait another year before the tulips bloom. Therefore, it is not possible to drive an autoroute after this period: there is simply nothing left to see.
The Tulip Art Route will remain open for visits through May 4.
Some entrepreneurs sell bunches of fresh tulips directly from the tulip grower. You can buy these tulips along the car and bike routes. Buy a fresh bunch to enjoy the beautiful tulips at home.
There are also fields where you may pick your own flowers. You can see where these fields are in the Tulpenroute Flevoland App.
Tulip bulbs can only be bought in the Netherlands in September and October. Then it’s time to plant them. So those are not for sale during the Tulip Route.
Tulip Art Route
Almost all of the artworks are for sale. The work can be reserved and in consultation with the artist whether or not to be paid for. NOTE: You can pick up the work only after the Tulip Art Route ends (i.e., after Sunday, May 5). Are you interested in a work? If so, please contact the artist using the information on the text sign next to the artwork.
Yes, the Tulip Art Route is easily accessible by public transportation. The bus stops Dronten Centrum and Dronten Het Ruim are within 150 / 250 meters. From NS station Dronten, it is 950 meters.
If you want to minimize the use of mobile data traffic, you can download the app from the Appstore or Google Play in advance.

It is a 1 to 2 km walking route through Dronten’s shopping center. The length depends on how you want to walk.
There are 39 visual artists and 1 sound artist participating in the Tulip Art Route.
- Check that you have downloaded the correct app.
- Then search the Echoes app for the title: Tulip Art Route 2024.

For the best experience of the audio tour, it is recommended that you leave your phone’s WiFi on. This will help determine your location more accurately.
The Tulip Art Route is best visited during the opening hours of Shopping Center Suydersee. Check the website for most up-to-date information in terms of opening hours and shopping Sundays.
- You can stream the audio tour on the spot in the app via the QR code at each artwork. You only need to scan the QR code once after that the audio tour moves with you automatically. It is important to activate the locator on your phone.
- You can start the Tulip Art Route and the audio tour at the first artwork you come across; the route has no set start or end point.
In Shopping Center Suydersee, the city center of Dronten
Tulip Fields
This is not allowed. A farm is private property. It is not permitted to enter a yard or drive onto a lot path uninvited. Always ask permission from the relevant residents for this. Farms that open their grounds to visitors are identified by a Tulip flag at the roadside.
You should never enter the tulip fields. This is strictly prohibited. You then enter private land belonging to the farmer or grower. In addition, visitors may transfer viruses from one flower to another. This could jeopardize growers’ crops. Taking photos is allowed, but only from the side of the field.
The flowering of tulips cannot be controlled. This depends on species, temperature, sun and other weather conditions. Therefore, because last winter was wet and cold for a long time, it may take longer for tulips to bloom. Therefore, we cannot advise at what time most tulips are in bloom. On the bloom meter on the home page, we provide regular updates on the growth of the tulips just before and during the Tulip Route.
Flevoland is a vast expanse and the trails are dozens of miles long. This means you won’t see tulip fields everywhere along the road, nor at every mile. Sometimes you won’t see any tulips for several miles, and sometimes a field will have been cut down by the end of the Tulip Route period. Tulips are sown all over Flevoland, so during each route you are sure to see many beautiful fields.
Tulip Route App
To use the app, you need the latest version. Make sure you put the latest version on your phone before you leave, even if you’ve used the app before. You can find the Tulip Route Flevoland App in the App store and Google Play.
Your chosen route can only be used on the day and time you chose. If you enter your ticket number too early, you won’t see the route yet.
Are you at your starting location? During the route’s opening hours, someone will be there to help you get started, if needed.
The ticket code works only on the day you will ride the route. If you enter the code earlier, you won’t see a route yet.
- Download the latest version of the Tulpenroute Flevoland App.
- Disable automatic screen lock.
- Start the route only at the starting location.
- Test your sound settings.
- Before leaving, stick the tulip vignette on your car window.
- Stay on the route.
- Entering the tulip fields is prohibited.
- Participation at your own risk, pay close attention to other road users.
You can find the app in the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. Search there for Tulpenroute Flevoland.
On the Tulip Route Flevoland App (Tulpenroute Flevoland App) you will find the route, the audio tour (Dutch and English) and information about additional activities. When you use the app on during your ride, the route and information is read aloud. Motorcyclists can also use the app this way. In the app, enter your ticket number. With that, you can see the map of the route on the day you go.
Put the app on your phone or tablet before you leave. Then you won’t need internet along the way, because the route works with GPS. Make sure you have the latest version of the app. Download it before you leave, even if you have downloaded the app before. You can find the Tulip Route Flevoland App in the App store and Google Play.